Avtopralnica ki v svoji bogati ponudbi vključuje celostne rešitve za pranje in čiščenje osebnih ter kombiniranih vozil. Ponudbo tudi sezonsko obogatimo z različnimi dodatnimi produkti. Zaradi kakovosti naših storitev in dostopnih cen nam zaupa veliko strank. Obiščite nas in se o tem tudi sami prepričajte.
Kontakt: (+386) 68 166 921

Storitve čiščenja in pranja vozila vam nudimo po konkurenčnih cenah z garancijo kakovosti in poštenega poslovanja.
Za podjetja imamo posebno konkurenčne cene z garancijo kakovosti in poštenega poslovanja. Prepričani smo, da boste z našimi storitvami zadovoljni.
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Probal sem že 1000 avtopralnic, ki so bližje doma in nič... po letih nadaljujem, ker tako čistega avta še nisem vzel.
Svaka čast fantom! Sem dal čistit avto že marsikje po Sloveniji samo tako, kot se potrudijo v Bubble CarWash nisem nikjer drugje doživel.
Visited today for the first time and have to say I was very pleased. The washing is complete and very accurate. They lather three times, wash the rims carefully, use new, good-quality rags, and follow the instructions scrupulously. All strictly by hand of course. The drying is also done with care and there are minimal traces of water only under the plaque, which is almost unavoidable. Upon return, they cover the front mats with a cardboard. Definitely superior service, which currently does not exist anywhere in Trieste. Well worth the road and the wait on site. I will definitely be back.
I've tried 1000 car washes that are closer to home and nothing... after years I keep going because I've never picked up my car so clean.
Kudos to the boys! I've had my car cleaned in many places in Slovenia, but I've never experienced the kind of effort they put in at Bubble CarWash anywhere else.